- The machine rewinds the hose while irrigating.
- It works with a variable inlet pressure from 1,5 BAR min. to 6 BAR max. (got from water system, submerged pumps, and so on...).
- The rewinding speed is adjustable in order to distribute the right quantity of water on the field.
- Automatic water stop at end of irrigation.
- Compact dimensions, optimum weight balancing on wheels.
- The drawbar is thought to be hooked to small grass-cutters tractors.
- Easy and economical maintenance. No experience is required for intallation and use.
- Patented hydraulic rewinding cylinder and micro-filter on cylinder water supply.
- Pressure gauge for inlet pressure.
- Sector-type sprinkler with a set of nozzles.
- PN 6 BD polyethylene hose.
- Endless-screw hoseguide for a perfect hose rewinding.
- Rail-chair mounted sprinkler; variable track wheeled trolley on request.
- Detailed instruction manual.
Pазмеры и техническая таблица

документацию для загрузки
- Carrello a ruote a carreggiata variabile.
- Ala nebulizzatrice a bassa pressione con larghezza di m 8 e fascia irrigata di m 10 circa.